Reliability and Maintainability Analysis


How do component and system reliability factor into your bottom line? Are you taken by surprise when a supposedly reliable component part or a system fails, jeopardizing safety, and causing repair downtimes and lost profits? Do you have the correct type and quantity of spare parts on hand in order to address system components that may require repair/replacement?

The answer to this dilemma is a Reliability and Maintainability (R & M) Program. An R&M Program utilizes statistical data to calculate:

  • Mean Time Between Failure (MTBF)
  • Mean Time To Repair (MTTR)
  • Mean Time To Failure (MTTF)
  • Failure In Time (FIT)

The goal of a R & M program is to estimate and manage the risks of component and/or system failures. Reliability statistics are based on methods and procedures for lifecycle predictions of a component or a system. The derived statistics provide ways of establishing numeric values based on a compilation of data. The data is used to quantify a failure rate and the resulting time of expected performance. The numeric value is then expressed as a measure of time, with hours being the most common unit used. The statistical source data is gathered from the:

  • Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM)
  • Operators’ Maintenance Records
  • Operators’ Engineering Department

We can also create/revise a “Scheduled Inspection and Replacement Maintenance Instructions” manual for maintenance technicians to ensure maintenance tasks are performed at predetermined intervals as determined by the analysis.

Limit the component or system failure uncertainties by considering a Maintenance and Reliability Program for your business. If you require assistance handling occasional overflow work, or require the need for producing all of your reliability and maintainability deliverables, look to Write Life Publications as your source. We are here for you!


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